Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Test Is Conclusive


Yesterday was a discovery day for me! I had wanted to help a precious friend out so offered to see an allergist - my thinking- I really don't know why I am here wasting your time. I have a few problems but thanks for letting me take your time. Well, the test results told a different story - I have some major allergies and some minor ones. I had a decision to make - which major or minor allergy should be addressed. Which got me to thinking - I am so thankful to God that He does not reveal ALL to me. I'm a sinner MAJOR and minor. And if Abba Father was to reveal and say you choose which to tackle first --YIKES!! God is so merciful and faithful.

Abba Father, how Great is Your Love. It is beyond understanding. Praise to thee my LORD.

Oh most Sovereign LORD, Thank you for such Love. Thank you for Your Cleansing Spirit who brings healing in the most marvelous and miraculous of ways. Come and Bring healing of hearts and minds and bodies. A new thing something that has never been revealed before and that we your children will SHOUT and dance and boldly proclaim that our God is in Control and reigns in Power and majesty and He Loves us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I will wait,


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