Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just To Be

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Greetings to you this Thanksgiving Eve, is there actually a Thanksgiving Eve? This morning I started the day with my usual routine of opening the curtains and the door to welcome in the daylight. As I opened the front door I just happened to look up and the pre dawn sky caught my eye. I went to the counter and picked up my glasses and went outside. The stars were so close that I thought I could reach up and touch them. There I stood for several minutes. I was content just to be. Which leads me to my reason to be thankful this week. I am so thankful just to be in His Presence, safe and secure. The hustle and bustle has begun and there is no stopping it but there are precious moments in our lives when we know in our Spirit we are in the just to be place.

Abba Father, Thank you Heavenly Father for Your Presence, for You are Mighty in Power, Tender are Your Mercies and to Wonderful for words. My heart cries out to thee today, just to be in Your Presence. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she begins her routine of the day, especially in the days ahead that she would know and rest in the knowledge that she is Loved by the King and desire above all just to be in Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May each of you and your loved ones have a Blessed Thanksgiving,


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