Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Thankful for His Presence

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Already the month of November and during this month of thanksgiving my first Wednesday posting is to be thankful that I can come before the Presence of the Lord. And in His Presence no words need to be spoken and the quiet there is very welcoming to my mind and to my ears. For in the hustle and bustle of this day I will to quickly forget this simple, profound and unspeakable gift which He has given us, His children.

Abba Father,

Here I am again, oh Sovereign Lord, coming into Your Presence and desiring to just sit. I desire none other and want nothing else. Thank You Abba for Your Presence, I pray that each of these dear and precious sisters-in-Christ would know it, feel it, experience it, desire it above all else, Your Presence. Lord, In Your Presence no words are needed. Lord I pray that Your Presence would surround each one and fill them up to overflowing this day and in the days ahead. Your Presence is more than Enough oh most Sovereign Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen

In His Presence,


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