Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Test Is Conclusive


Yesterday was a discovery day for me! I had wanted to help a precious friend out so offered to see an allergist - my thinking- I really don't know why I am here wasting your time. I have a few problems but thanks for letting me take your time. Well, the test results told a different story - I have some major allergies and some minor ones. I had a decision to make - which major or minor allergy should be addressed. Which got me to thinking - I am so thankful to God that He does not reveal ALL to me. I'm a sinner MAJOR and minor. And if Abba Father was to reveal and say you choose which to tackle first --YIKES!! God is so merciful and faithful.

Abba Father, how Great is Your Love. It is beyond understanding. Praise to thee my LORD.

Oh most Sovereign LORD, Thank you for such Love. Thank you for Your Cleansing Spirit who brings healing in the most marvelous and miraculous of ways. Come and Bring healing of hearts and minds and bodies. A new thing something that has never been revealed before and that we your children will SHOUT and dance and boldly proclaim that our God is in Control and reigns in Power and majesty and He Loves us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I will wait,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Searching Deep Within

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I noticed a bumper sticker on a vehicle a couple days ago. EARTH the letters art were highlighted in red. What came to my mind was God's handiwork between eternity and heaven. My husband received as a Christmas present a set of CD's called "Planet Earth" Some of these reveal the mysterious of the oceans, the deep. As I view some of these I marvel at just how AWESOME is our GOD. How intricate is HIS CREATION!! And this HE SPOKE into existence. This is He whom we call Abba.

Abba Father, how Glorious, how Marvelous art thou. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day and in the week ahead that she would open up wide her heart to accept this LOVE You extend, that she open wide her eyes to see that which is most beautiful, that she open wide her ears to hear Your whispers and in her searching deep within may You come and fill her to overflowing abundance. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm Casting My Burden - Psalm 55:22

Greetings from your sister-in-Christ,

Last night a verse jumped off of the page of my night time devotional - Psalm 55:22. The new year and a new challenge.

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."

Isn't our God so amazing!!

This is a truth, He said it and It is So. Just as He spoke in days past He still speaks - am I willing to hear and comprehend. I must cast my burden on the Lord, that burden of (whatever it is today) and He shall sustain. Not only will He sustain but just as the three who were thrown into the fiery furnace and not even the smell of smoke was on them - this is the same for us. He shall NEVER PERMIT. I have no idea how this is possible I just know that God said it and I will trust in the great I AM.

Abba Father, most Sovereign Lord, who Reigns on High. Praise thee this day with hands lifted high and hearts bowed low in humble adoration. Thank you oh LORD that you sustain each and every precious sister-in-Christ. Oh Lord may you open their hearts and minds and ears to know and understand and see and hear that this burden they have carried for so long need not be. You desire to sustain them and by their act of obedience of casting onto You then You promise to NEVER PERMIT them to be moved. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I'm casting my burden,

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Life lived with Finesse - Practice being Whimsical

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The year 2010. It has arrived. For the past several years I have purchased "Diary for a Lady" by Elise Grey and also asked God to find me a devotional/journal for the year. And after these purchases are made I begin the first day of the new year. The diary's introduction page ended with "Face the future with finesse and take delight in your duties." The devotional, "Destined to Reign" by Joseph Prince ended with "Drink of the never-ending well of life and reign in life every day!" The diary is packed full of Elise Grey's artwork and personal words and as I briefly flipped through the days and months for 2010 I sensed the whimsical also. So how my life will be lived this year only God knows but I am assured of His Faithfulness, His Amazing Love and His Tender Mercies each and every day.

Abba Father, how Rich and Glorious are You, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that for 2010 her life will be filled with You. Oh Lord, how Rich is Your Love, How Rich is Your Peace and How Rich is Your Goodness it is far better than anything man can imagine. Holy Spirit may Your Rich Counsel fall upon opened ears and hearts and minds to bring Fullness in Power and Peace this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Living Life,