Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Birthday, Invitation and Prayer

Greetings to my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today is a BIRTHDAY for my grandson who is 6 years old. He is amazing and not only is he my grandson by flesh he is also a spiritual brother-in-Christ. He asked Jesus into his heart and his life last year. God has plans and purposes for him and I am constantly amazed at his observations. Happy Birthday James.

I was extended an INVITATION to participate in writing a novel - taking the month of November to write a novel. I have always desired to write but have ALWAYS had excuses as to why this was an impossible task to pursue. Well here I am with the invite which comes right along with something that the Lord had been impressing upon me these past few months, just write, write, write. So for the month of November that is what I am going to do. I will post the website at the end of this post for anyone who might be interested in doing this and/or keeping me on track.

My PRAYER: Abba Father, thank You for today. Thank You that this day is like no other day before and after. Thank You that Your Power and Provision and Purpose and Plans and Peace and Presence is all given this day. Lord the sun has risen and may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ live this day to the fullest with a boldness and confidence in knowing that she is deeply loved and intimately known by the Sovereign I AM. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Deeply Loved and Intimately Known,


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