Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Am Not Taking It Back


The sounds of morning - the waves crashing , the birds singing, the faint color of light appears in the sky and my day has begun and I come to hear the one sound - The voice of my King.

There is an old movie which aired in the 1980's, "The Goonies." About some teenage kids who are in pursuit of the hidden pirate's treasure. In one of the scenes they tumble down a water slide into a cave and land in water and they hear the sound of dripping water. There are some coins in the water and they think it is the treasure only to discover that it is the town's old wishing well. The main character grabs hold of the coin and states, "This was my wish and it didn't come true so I am taking it back."

Precious sisters-in-Christ, my prayer is that you do not take back - your hope, your dream, your need, your whispered prayer to the King. It was heard. You have voiced it again and again. And unlike the coins which are tossed into the wishing well our wish when tossed is heard by the I AM. GOD. He created the waters and set the boundaries, he created the birds to take flight and the songs they sing, He takes care of the sparrow. He created the LIGHT, one for the morning and one for the night.

Abba Father, thank You for this day and every thing that is in it. You are Good and Merciful and Mighty and You say over and over again that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day she would know that the great I AM her Father in Heaven absolutely and completely and unconditionally adores her and desires that she walk in the Beauty and Fragrance of You in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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