Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The word "wait" seems to have taken on a whole new manner - for some it has become a four letter word, something that should be not said. The word "wait" to some brings thoughts of, I asked and did not get an answer or I asked and the answer was no.

I looked up "wait" in the dictionary and there were so many different definitions that I decided not to list them here. I then did a bible reference search for the word "wait" and once again I found numerous passages so I have decided to give 5 nuggets of Truth today.

Genesis 49:18, Ruth 3:18, Isaiah 8:17, Isaiah 64:4 and Romans 8:25 (NASB)

I have also decided that for me the word "wait" is:

W atch
A ttentatively
I gnoring
T empation

Abba Father, Praise thee and thank You that it is the most awesome "I AM" who spoke the world into existence, who clothed Adam and Eve, who protected by a cloud during the day and by fire at night, and who provided the sacrifice. Abba Father, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day will be the day that her "wait" will be answered in the most glorious and Sovereign of ways and that her shouts of gladness and Joy will be heard in the Heavens and beyond. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I will wait,


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