Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Inner Ear - Job 12:11 & Job 34:3

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

I missed last week due to being in the air returning from a trip to the mainland to join in a wonderful celebration with my family. When I returned I was feeling lightheaded but knew that jet lag would linger for at least a couple of days. I waited until after the weekend and realized that I needed to contact the doctor. My diagnosis - nasal passages and inner ear infection caused probably by dryness and plane trip air. How sensitive our inner ear actually is and ditto with the nasal passages? How can I actually test words with my ears if my inner ear is causing me pain and it hurts for me to hear? Which leads me to another question - "If the ear tests words as the palate tastes food" - does this only apply to those who have ears to hear?

Abba Father,

How marvelous, how Glorious are You, O most Sovereign Lord that in the midst of our seeking and asking and knocking You reveal Yourself in the most Beautiful and Magnificent of ways. Lord I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that a new revelation of Your truth would be heard with such clarity that she would boldly proclaim the Gospel. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Waiting on the Lord,


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