Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kupa'a ka mana'o - Settled in the Mind

Greetings to my sisters-in-Christ,

Psalm 33:21 comes to my mind when I consider being "settled in the mind". I'm sure for each one of you a different biblical truth will be brought to your mind.

Is or has there been something in your life that causes things to become unsettled and then the mind starts to wander which leads to the "what if" questions?

The world will tell us that "if I don't worry about it who will?" But that must not be for us who are Kingdom bound for indeed we are and with that knowledge comes special obligations - to put on the mind of Christ and to walk in the freedom of knowing that what is "settled in the mind" when coupled with Psalm 33:21 or whatever biblical truth that you have will bring about a "quiet knowing" that God is Faithful to do as He Promised.

Abba, Heavenly Father,

Our most Sovereign Lord. Praise and Glory to You our Great God. Hallelujah, Worthy are You to be Praised. Lord I come before Your most Holy Throne of Grace and ask of thee. May each moment of these dear sisters-in-Christ be a holy moment where You whisper into their hearts Your words that bring hope and joy. That they would be kupa'a ka mana'o that You alone are all they need and want. May Your Beauty and Fragrance embrace each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today. In Jesus Name, Amen

Awaiting in Expectancy,



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