Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Three words, scriptures, promises

Greetings dear and gracious sisters-in-Christ,

What are the three most "stop you in your tracks" words that are so hard for me to hear - WAIT, LISTEN, OBEY. Yes these three words were referenced in one of the chapters of my reading for the summer: Prayer Finding the Heart's True Home by Richard J. Foster. Actually it was wait quietly. Listen carefully. Obey immediately. The real attention getters for each and every child. And that is who you and I are - a Child of God. To dig deeper I sought the word of God, to actually see if there was indeed validity to these statements. It is just one of my little quirks I developed from a dear sister-in-Christ who always asked, "so where is that in the Bible?"

KJV, Wait (stay), Habakkuk 2:3, Acts 1:4, Gal 5:5;
{Listen the concordance did not specifically list any references for listen and I then went to} Hear ( perceive sound) Neh 1:6, Psalm 4:1, Ps 4:3
Obey (to comply with orders) Deut 11:27, 1 Sam. 15:22, Jer. 7:23.

So there you have it - once again those words that you heard from your mom or dad or grandpa or grandma and either inwardly or outwardly screamed, "no I won't do it" are actually three words which are scripturally accurate with God's promises assured.

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your wondrous ways and Your marvelous directing of our steps. May Your Glory abound this day is our lives. Most Sovereign Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus, that each dear sister in Christ this day wait quietly, listen carefully and obey immediately that her Faith may soar, her Hope be assured and her Love abound in the most miraculous of ways. Amen and Amen.

Awaiting His Return,


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