Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Shopping and Reading

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I was shopping in Lowe's this past weekend looking for some gardening things with my husband and happened upon a flag. I immediately welled up and started remembering Nonie, my grandmother who had recently passed away at 103. Her birthday was the 4th of July and she had made for herself a red, white, and blue dress. It was her flag dress. She used to always say that the whole nation celebrated her birthday with a marvelous array of fireworks and as a child often wondered why everybody else did not get fireworks on their birthday. I was crying because I was remembering her and missing her.

I also wanted to read the Bible again this year so instead of getting a new one-year devotional bible I chose the one which I had on my bookshelf and started reading. As I have been reading, I come to a certain passage where I have either underlined and highlighted and maybe written a date by it. This past week I have been reading in Isaiah and beside many of the passages I have written a date and maybe a place and have written, a PROMISE, and I remember. Unlike the missing of my grandmother, God reminds me once again of His Promise. I once again thank Him and Praise Him for helping, healing, restoring, or encouraging me then and may I remember it is still TRUE for today and write the date.

There will be many occasions for me to be reminded of Nonie and I will well up inside and remember. There are many, many more occasions for me to be reminded of Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi, my GOD and worship Him.

Abba Father, cause us to be reminded that You bring about the situations where we remember how You have helped, healed, restored, and/or encouraged each one of these dear and precious sisters-in-Christ. May it be a day of worshipping and thanksgiving. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Return,


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