Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jeremiah 33:2-3

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

In preparing for this post, I started reading my devotional, and when I was reading, with weeping and raised hands I was reminded of a favorite movie scene, Tom Hanks in Joe vs the Volcano - He and his companion have been adrift in the sea for many days, he is sunburnt, dehydrated, and has basically collapsed onto the raft (traveling trunks actually), it is night and he sees things in the night skies and then all of a sudden the moon appears in the sky, this is no ordinary moon, it is HUGE. Tom starts to uncurl his body and stands up with arms raised and says, "I forgot how BIG". That was me this morning, I forgot how BIG my God is, and then my devotional stated, "All my resources are at your command." Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do."

Dear sisters-in-Christ it is HIS POWER may we not forget how BIG. So this morning may we go forth, standing on the WORD, and challenge thy mountain in the Lord!

Abba Father, how marvelous and merciful and mighty art thou, our Sovereign Lord who made the earth, who formed it and established it, the LORD is his name. Oh Lord thank You and praise You that You say to us (You command) "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Lord I pray for each beautiful sister-in-Christ today that she would come before Your throne of Grace and ask of thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Triumphant Return,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Three words, scriptures, promises

Greetings dear and gracious sisters-in-Christ,

What are the three most "stop you in your tracks" words that are so hard for me to hear - WAIT, LISTEN, OBEY. Yes these three words were referenced in one of the chapters of my reading for the summer: Prayer Finding the Heart's True Home by Richard J. Foster. Actually it was wait quietly. Listen carefully. Obey immediately. The real attention getters for each and every child. And that is who you and I are - a Child of God. To dig deeper I sought the word of God, to actually see if there was indeed validity to these statements. It is just one of my little quirks I developed from a dear sister-in-Christ who always asked, "so where is that in the Bible?"

KJV, Wait (stay), Habakkuk 2:3, Acts 1:4, Gal 5:5;
{Listen the concordance did not specifically list any references for listen and I then went to} Hear ( perceive sound) Neh 1:6, Psalm 4:1, Ps 4:3
Obey (to comply with orders) Deut 11:27, 1 Sam. 15:22, Jer. 7:23.

So there you have it - once again those words that you heard from your mom or dad or grandpa or grandma and either inwardly or outwardly screamed, "no I won't do it" are actually three words which are scripturally accurate with God's promises assured.

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your wondrous ways and Your marvelous directing of our steps. May Your Glory abound this day is our lives. Most Sovereign Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus, that each dear sister in Christ this day wait quietly, listen carefully and obey immediately that her Faith may soar, her Hope be assured and her Love abound in the most miraculous of ways. Amen and Amen.

Awaiting His Return,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Shopping and Reading

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I was shopping in Lowe's this past weekend looking for some gardening things with my husband and happened upon a flag. I immediately welled up and started remembering Nonie, my grandmother who had recently passed away at 103. Her birthday was the 4th of July and she had made for herself a red, white, and blue dress. It was her flag dress. She used to always say that the whole nation celebrated her birthday with a marvelous array of fireworks and as a child often wondered why everybody else did not get fireworks on their birthday. I was crying because I was remembering her and missing her.

I also wanted to read the Bible again this year so instead of getting a new one-year devotional bible I chose the one which I had on my bookshelf and started reading. As I have been reading, I come to a certain passage where I have either underlined and highlighted and maybe written a date by it. This past week I have been reading in Isaiah and beside many of the passages I have written a date and maybe a place and have written, a PROMISE, and I remember. Unlike the missing of my grandmother, God reminds me once again of His Promise. I once again thank Him and Praise Him for helping, healing, restoring, or encouraging me then and may I remember it is still TRUE for today and write the date.

There will be many occasions for me to be reminded of Nonie and I will well up inside and remember. There are many, many more occasions for me to be reminded of Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi, my GOD and worship Him.

Abba Father, cause us to be reminded that You bring about the situations where we remember how You have helped, healed, restored, and/or encouraged each one of these dear and precious sisters-in-Christ. May it be a day of worshipping and thanksgiving. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Return,

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Holding Her Hand

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It is with much Joy today, that I come into your lives with this posting. There was quite a stir in our church this past Sunday. You could here the murmurings from across the room, "Did you see her yet? She may be here at this service?"

It was someone for whom we have been praying for months which have stretched into years. People were looking around and then what was spoken was, "Come and See! She is here sitting up where she used to always sit."

We had asked God to heal and restore, we had told God that it was time for her to come home to us.

As I approached her I could not help but show my excitement. I had told her in a card some weeks past that I had a dream about holding her hand and I had asked of our Lord to bring her home so I could hold her hand. As I took hold of her hand and held it tight and hugged her body and kissed her cheek I was filled with Joy for The LORD is Faithful - The LORD Reigns Supreme. How amazing is Your LOVE.

Abba Father, GREAT is Your love, Great IS Your Love, Great is YOUR Love, Great is Your LOVE. Lord God Praise thee for Your Faithfulness Lord how amazing are Your Ways and just as it is written, "All things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. Lord I pray this promise for each dear sister-in-Christ may she this day comprehend the depth of this knowledge, accept the breath of this Word of Truth, and be filled with the JOY of the Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Return,