Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Girl

Greetings dear friends and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today I dedicate this posting to my daughter. She is my baby, being the youngest of three children and today she is 30 years old. It is also Earth Day and Administrative Assistant Day, but these came after her birth so they don't count for this day. I would like to share just a little about her - She is my miracle baby - I was told I should never have children again after my second child but I wanted a girl - After helping raise 4 brothers and baby sitting male cousins all my growing up life I really desired to have a girl.

I had lost so much blood during the delivery and after her birth that the doctor and nurses were very concerned about my recovery and had suggested that I stay in the hospital but she could go home. My husband and I decided that it was not an option and called my parents who came right away. I asked God to watch over her because I was not capable then and He is forever faithful still watching over her. She was/is/and continues to be a delight to me and her father. Thank you Lord for blessing us with a girl.

A selfish prayer it might have been
but still a desire from deep within.
It keeps me still in awe of thee
that in the seeking You allow it to be.
And as a reward for diligence do
Your Perfect Will is seen True.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee who reigns supreme. Thank You Lord that it is in Your Sovereign Power that all things are held firm. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she give to You that which she is not capable of watching over, may she ask of You to take care of the person, circumstance and/or situation. Oh Lord You are able, Your Love knows no bounds and Your tender mercies are new every morning. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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