Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Interweaving of God

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

This past weekend God placed two more sisters-in-Christ into my life and how I do welcome how marvelously He interweaves each of us in amazing ways. As one departs and a longing for someone or something to fill the hole and when we cry out to Abba He brings another or maybe He Himself is enough to fill the hole.

I was also reminded this past week that distance has nothing to do with a relationship either.

How often the Lord will whisper (well maybe sometimes to get my attention it is LOUD) a name and I begin to pray for the person. Our most Sovereign Lord is Marvelous and Magnificent isn't He. May I be as Mary and say to my LORD, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." Luke 1:38.

Heavenly Father, most Glorious and Gracious God. Thank you that it is by Your Grace that we are able to reach out each day and live and live victoriously. Thank you that Your tender mercies are new each day for this is all that we need to walk out the day. I come before You this day and ask that each dear sister-in-Christ come before thee with full assurance that each person she meets that You have interweaved that person or circumstance according to thy Word. In Jesus Name. Amen

Until next week,


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