Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A Reminder Day

Greetings, dear precious sisters-in-Christ,

March 3rd is an anniversary day, a reminder day, for me. The end of 2000 a decision had been made to move to Hawaii. Leaving all behind we (DH and me) flew to the island of Kauai. Supposedly our final destination. Well our most Gracious and Merciful God had other plans so off to the Big Island we did come. Our original plan was to stay for 5 years until our children had settled down a little in then we would decide where to settle permanently. It is now 2009. I'm thankful for my "reminder day" for I know that God is directing us and that my life and the lives of my loved ones are in His Loving hands.

Abba Father, thank You for reminder days, for they remind me that God ordained it and it was/is/will be so. How majestic are Your Whispers. Lord thank You for directing my life. Lord, I pray for each precious child-these sisters-in-Christ that they lay hold of Your Saving Grace, be bold in their witness, see the pure gold of your Foundation, how You have drawn the dross from their souls and have clothed them with the robe of Righteousness. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week.


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