Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I have just now finished my third read of "The Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan. It indeed is a book which really keeps you thinking about heavenly things and just how Spiritual Warfare must be like. I sometimes do not feel that I am running a race spiritually, I know that the Bible says that we are but my day to day activities doesn't seem like much of a race.

In the book, there is one part where "Christian", the main character in the first part is having a conversation with "Apollyon". Towards the end of the battle, Apollyon says, "I am an enemy to this Prince: I hate his person, his laws, and people: I am come out on purpose to withstand thee."

To which Christian says, "Apollyon , beware what you do, for I am in the King's highway, the way of holiness, therefore take heed to yourself."

Yes, dear sister's in Christ, we must remember that whatever comes against us that we can say with boldness, 'Beware what you do, for I am in the King's highway, the way of holiness, therefore take heed to yourself."

Heavenly Father, Abba, Our most Sovereign Lord, step by step you lead us. Lord we are all on Your highway, running the race, and it is truly the way of holiness and all and everything that hates You, Your laws and Your people must take heed. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day that when she encounters things that come against all that is Holy and True and Pure in her life that she would boldly proclaim that she is a woman of the most Sovereign Lord and she will travel only on the King's highway and the way of holiness and all else must take heed. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ,


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