Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hitting the Wall-God's Hugs

Greetings to my sisters-in-Christ,

Events leading up to now - 1) part of the sermon from last week was running a race and hitting the wall 2) a conversation with some fellow believers last night and 3) an email from a dear sister-in-Christ received this morning.

We have, each one of us, at some time have had/are having/will have a Hitting the Wall experience - there have been many in my life. Some of them I have not even known that there was a wall to hit but there it was right in my path - knocked me down and knocked the wind completely out of me. In was in relating a story to my friends last night that God brought to remembrance.

I asked of my Heavenly Father-I just need a hug and who is going to give me one? My Abba Father replied, I will hug you and HE DID, His Hug was and is ENOUGH. When HE hugs me it is more than ENOUGH.

This is my prayer for each precious daughter of the living KING, Abba Father, come and HUG. I pray for Your HUGS which covers us with Your Grace, Protects us from the Harshness, Fills us up with Your Presence and Enables us to Rest completely. May each dear sister-in-Christ be embraced totally and walk in the Freedom that comes when she knows that she is LOVED more and more and more and more and more by You her Abba, Father. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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