Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Baby Steps

Greetings precious sisters-in-Christ,

I find that as I take the baby steps of walking in Faith that sometimes just a little pebble is enough to cause me to falter. This journey that I am on today is most definitely a baby step day - I feel that I am being drawn to the flood waters and I must tip my toes into the water before the flood waters will recede. I have asked God to beckon me to come out of the boat and step into the waves which are lapping up over the small boat that I am in. Yes, Lord I am baby stepping out in Faith this day to Focus on the one who strengthens and sustains in my walk. May I not look back.

Abba Father, Praise thee, most Sovereign Lord. Thank You most Gracious and Faithful God, that in this day which You have made that You have filled it to the brim and to overflowing with Your tender mercies and with Your Love. As each dear and precious sister-in-Christ walks out this day Lord may You surround her with Your Presence for it is only when we are in Your Presence that we are able to see and understand and know that it is You and only You who Keeps. You and only You - the I AM. May Your Goodness and Purity abound richly in the lives of each and every sister-in-Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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