Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Change is Coming

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

A change is coming!! It seemed to have slowly crept up on me and yet the Lord has been preparing me for this. He has already planned the journey that I am taking and has already mapped out the course. And on this course he already knows the places where I will cry out in despair and in the areas where I will shout the praises. Yes a change in coming - for the country - but of what concern is that to me. Has my home changed leadership? No it has not - it still remains the same. My Lord, My God, My Savior still reigns victorious in my life. Today I choose to ask my Heavenly Father, Abba, that His Truth will prevail, His Promises are Firm, His Peace to Reign, and His Love to Embrace each and every one of you in the most amazing of ways. For He has given each of us a journey to pursue and all that is required on our part is to enter into a relationship with Him and with His Joy being our Strength to live victoriously in this life where a change is coming.

Abba Father, Gracious and Glorious, Magnificent and Marvelous, how great is Your Love towards us each and every day - You bless us with new tender mercies. Lord I do approach Your Throne of Grace and ask for a renewing of the mind, that You Reign victoriously in our thoughts - that what is seen by the eye and heard by the ear has been filtered through Faith in the unseen and Your Whispers. In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen.

Until next week,


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