Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Greetings to all,

Once again in my walk with Jesus I have been presented with a situation that has caused me to TRUST even more. Can this be something that my most Sovereign LORD will (is able) to take care of? My choice is to TRUST even more. As I look at the letters - to me
T stands for Truly
R stands for Rely
U stands for Upon
S stands for Sovereign
T stands for Timing

As the 3 faced the furnace, 7 times hotter than ever
As the nation faced the Red Sea with the Pharoah's Army behind them
As David faced Goliath
As Jesus faced Gethsemene
As you and I faced ---------

You and I are able to fill in the space with testimonies of when delivered, or restored, or healed. And yes, I must once again TRUST in my GOD, LORD, FATHER, my ABBA.

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." Psalm 56:3

Abba, Father, Praise You for You are Great and Glorious and Good, Praise thee for You are Sovereign and in all things and in all ways Your Word shall prevail. Words of Truth, Words of Counsel, Words of Comfort, Words of Strength, Words of Joy and Words of Love. May Your Word dwell deeper and deeper into our being that we shall know that absolutely nothing will separate us from Your Love. May each precious sister-in-Christ be strengthened today to TRUST in thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

To all - I have a new signature flower-my dear friend and sister-in-Christ from Australia just sent this to me. Thank you Elise.


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