Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

A co-worker had brought in some left-over fortune cookies from Christmas and I opened and read the saying on the slip of paper. It read, "You will begin a new collection or hobby". I questioned myself as to what new collection I would like to start? I opened my one of the two magazines I read and reread, and in this month's edition of Victoria several articles on collectibles were available. I looked over my current collection of giraffes, baskets, dolls, and bells and wondered what new items I could collect. The magazine offered a wide selection to choose. So I'll ask of my God, Lord what do you want me to occupy my mind upon this day - what things or stuff do I desire enough to have surround me. What keeps me longing for more of You?

Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Glorious GOD, my LORD, thank you that you have created such uniqueness in animals, and plants and people. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that in unity we will be of one mind and in one accord lifting our hearts and minds and bodies to the One who Gave it All - Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior. Lord as each dear sister-in-Christ awakens to a new day filled with Your tender mercies may her eyes see Your Goodness, may her mind think on the things which are of purity and truth, and may her ears hear Your whispers as she breathes in the Sweet Fragrance of Christ. In Jesus Name. Amen

Until next week,


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