Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Back Up - Erase - Restore

Greetings to my dear friends, my sisters-in-Christ,

The last day of 2008 - absolutely and utterly wonderful that another year has been lived and many rememberences to hold dear to our hearts and minds.

Each year my dear husband backs up our computers, erases the hard drive and then reloads the programs back onto the computer which are important for operation. At first I used to PANIC when he would ask me if he could do it to my computer. Not now for I am very confident that he will restore the useful programs which allows me to work more effectively and efficiently.

If my husband is able to do that with a computer how much more our LORD is able to back up, erase, and then restore ME. He formed me in my mother's womb, He is faithful and will keep me. Ah, dear sisters-in-Christ, 2008 is drawing to a close and with it are many things that have outgrown there usefulness, cluttered our lives causing us to be ineffective and inefficient in our everyday ministering and witnessing.

Abba Father, thank you for bringing the blessings and for revealing Your Goodness and Mercy. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that as 2008 comes to an end that she would ask You to bring to rememberence those moments when You held her close to Your heart, take away all that which is hendering her walk with You and her worship of You and Restore her to her able to Walk boldly and confidently serving and praising Her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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