Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve


I know that you have heard it numerous times before, the Christmas Story, but this Christmas Eve I desire to keep the wonder of it all. The world presents it with glitz and glitter, loudness everywhere. It is hard on my senses when I walk into a store. My thoughts seem to leave me and I forget what my mission was - to get that something very unique and special for a friend or family member. It is the wonder of it all. The angels coming announcing the birth, the weary traveler's searching for a place to have the baby. A night like none other. So this Christmas Eve may it be a night like none other in your life.

Abba Father, Praise thee for each night and day, praise thee for the wonder of You. How soon I forget Your Goodness and Mercy and look only at the present. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she see the wonder of Your Love this Christmas Eve. May you reveal to her the Greatness of Your Majesty, the Brilliance of Your Grace, the Beauty of Your Joy, and the Abundance of Your Power this night. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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