Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Abstract Painter

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Since the beginning of September I'm realizing that I have been living in the abstract - I researched the dictionary and the following 3 items listed are definitions given:

Adjective - having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content

Noun - a summary of points (as of a writing) usually presented in skeletal form; also:something that summarizes or concentrates the essentials of a larger thing or several things

Verb - to consider apart from application to or association with a particular instance

I was starting the 7th grade and I needed to take an elective - I chose Art. I struggled and struggled in class but my teacher, Mr. Russell was always encouraging me. He was sick for a couple of weeks and we had a substitute - during her time I was failing miserably. There was an exercise that was assigned - the class was given a piece of canvas and told to color it with all kinds of different colors - no particular design just start coloring the canvas. Now this was something I did very well. After completely covering with colors we had to cover this with black paint and let it dry for a couple of days. After two days - our instructions were to remove the black paint in such a way to create a scene-a work of art. So I go about my normal artistic self and start to draw my infamous stick people. Present it to the substitute; it is not received very well at all. It is set aside and the next week my art teacher returns. He looks at it and sees - an apple core and low and behold he is so pleased because he has in his class an abstract artist.

I relate this story because before the first of September I had painted my life with colors and looked at different situations in a certain way. It seems that on September 1st the colors (situations-my perceptions) were darkened and now the Lord is slowly removing the black to once again reveal the colors underneath and the way He is removing them in my life is truly amazing.

Abba Father, thank You that this day You will reveal to me that which is Truth. LORD of Heaven and Earth, our most Sovereign Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she allow You to completely remove the darkness from each area of her life that it is Your Glory that shines forth and Your Power that is uncovered and Your Beauty, Truth and Holiness which is seen after the day is done. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,


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