Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dear sisters-in-Christ,

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving - the way the stores are promoting Black Friday - it is a wonder that this Thanksgiving is not totally swallowed up. As with you I find myself thinking upon the people and things that I am thankful and grateful to have in my life. And today is no exception - When preparing for this post I was reminded of someone who impacted my teenage life in a most amazing way. I was 16 years old when we moved from Montana to California. Starting school I immediately began having problems with trying to fit in. Our across the street neighbor was a mother of 2 soon to be 3 children and she would ask me to babysit occasionally, then she would ask me over for Saturday afternoon tea time just to chat - then she asked me to join the ladies bible study. Well life got very, very interesting. Most of these ladies were sticks-in-the-mud and I could see from the onset that it was not going to work with me. But Mrs. Kneeland continued to embrace me and invited me back. For this I am thankful and grateful. I guess you could say that from that experience I learned what being a sister-in-Christ was about.

Heavenly Father, Abba, how richly You plan our lives. You continually embrace us and draw us into Your presence in the most remarkable of ways. Oh, that I would take a deep breath and allow Your abiding Love to overflow into the most intimate places of my heart and allow me the freedom to shout Hallelujah for Your Goodness and Mercy. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this Thanksgiving that she lift her hands and her head and her heart and shout with resounding Joy the name of Jesus, consider the cost and Praise Him. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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