Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Angels


I miss making snow angels - it seems that I had perfected the art of making snow angels and then moved to where snow is not an issue. You are probably wondering why I would claim bragging rights to making the perfect snow angels? Well, after many years of practicing and lots of snow down the neck or up the legs or in the boots - I decided that fingertip impressions would count and heel footprints were acceptable. And I find that it applies in my Christian life as well. It is okay to leave an impression as long as it reveals God's Goodness and Glory. My desire is to fear the Lord my God in such an amazing way that what shows is my Love for His Goodness and Faithfulness.

Heavenly Father, may Your imprints be evident in my life. Thank you, most Sovereign Lord that Your Mercy and Grace has carried me thus far. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day for Your anointed imprints to be evident her life. May her desire be to fear You and serve with her lips in praise, with her heart in worship and with her mind in purity. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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