Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Special Child

Dear Sisters-in-Christ:

Today is my son's birthday and upon waking I called and texted him to wish him a Happy Birthday, which brought back memories of long ago. My son is a miracle. God named him and God continues to bless him richly. And how I know - the spring of 1971 I was having severe female problems - after a doctor's visit it was confirmed that I was pregnant and would probably have a miscarriage because something was not right, when the miscarriage did not happen I was told that they would have to perform an abortion. This was not an acceptable option for us so I was put on bed rest - shortly afterwards I started cramping - and rushed to the doctor's office where I was immediately rushed to the hospital and the abortion was performed. It was a boy and every July 6th since I have grieved for the lose of him. I was told at that time that the danger of having another child would probably be fatal and advised to never have children again. I waited a couple of years and then I began to ask of my God for another child. I asked of my friends to begin praying for a healing of my womb that I could have another child. God answered - He told me that I would have a child and I was to name him. He gave me the name and the spelling of the name and told me that it meant God's Peace. And today is his birthday!! So Happy Birthday to my most adorable loving Son.

Heavenly Father, how Precious are Your Promises, how Blessed are Your Truths, how Glorious are Your Riches, thank You Abba for Your miracles of Healing, of Restoration, of Redemption, of Forgiveness, of Faith, of Hope and of Love. How amazing are the ways they are showered upon us - sometimes in the simplest and mundane ways and sometimes in the waves crashing, winds billowing, and soot do they come. Oh, most Sovereign Lord I come today and ask for the miraculous to come for each and every dear sister-in-Christ. Only You know the heart's cry of each one. Only You Are Able. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Change is Coming

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

A change is coming!! It seemed to have slowly crept up on me and yet the Lord has been preparing me for this. He has already planned the journey that I am taking and has already mapped out the course. And on this course he already knows the places where I will cry out in despair and in the areas where I will shout the praises. Yes a change in coming - for the country - but of what concern is that to me. Has my home changed leadership? No it has not - it still remains the same. My Lord, My God, My Savior still reigns victorious in my life. Today I choose to ask my Heavenly Father, Abba, that His Truth will prevail, His Promises are Firm, His Peace to Reign, and His Love to Embrace each and every one of you in the most amazing of ways. For He has given each of us a journey to pursue and all that is required on our part is to enter into a relationship with Him and with His Joy being our Strength to live victoriously in this life where a change is coming.

Abba Father, Gracious and Glorious, Magnificent and Marvelous, how great is Your Love towards us each and every day - You bless us with new tender mercies. Lord I do approach Your Throne of Grace and ask for a renewing of the mind, that You Reign victoriously in our thoughts - that what is seen by the eye and heard by the ear has been filtered through Faith in the unseen and Your Whispers. In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen.

Until next week,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

A co-worker had brought in some left-over fortune cookies from Christmas and I opened and read the saying on the slip of paper. It read, "You will begin a new collection or hobby". I questioned myself as to what new collection I would like to start? I opened my one of the two magazines I read and reread, and in this month's edition of Victoria several articles on collectibles were available. I looked over my current collection of giraffes, baskets, dolls, and bells and wondered what new items I could collect. The magazine offered a wide selection to choose. So I'll ask of my God, Lord what do you want me to occupy my mind upon this day - what things or stuff do I desire enough to have surround me. What keeps me longing for more of You?

Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Glorious GOD, my LORD, thank you that you have created such uniqueness in animals, and plants and people. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that in unity we will be of one mind and in one accord lifting our hearts and minds and bodies to the One who Gave it All - Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior. Lord as each dear sister-in-Christ awakens to a new day filled with Your tender mercies may her eyes see Your Goodness, may her mind think on the things which are of purity and truth, and may her ears hear Your whispers as she breathes in the Sweet Fragrance of Christ. In Jesus Name. Amen

Until next week,

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Frenzied State

Greetings to All,

The last two days have been exhausting!! At the office I seem to be dealing with people who are in a frenzied state. It is not the same as "running amuck". I can hear it in the voices when I answer the phone. I can see it in the eyes of those who come into the office. I can sense it in my co-workers as they try to complete their tasks. An unrest seems to have come, not only to "my Island" but to our world. This is the verse that I must bring to remembrance when each time that everything in me and around me shouts otherwise - Psalm 46:10 (King James Version) 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Yes dear sisters-in-Christ, we do have a GOD who reigns Sovereignly and who brings the Peace which passes all understanding. May we hold on tight to this Word of Truth for only in the holding onto are we able to remain in Him.

Abba Father,

Hallelujah that You are my God, oh most Sovereign LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that when she looks at the frenzied world, she would see Your Faithfulness; when she looks at her frenzied friends that she would see Your Favor; when she looks at her frenzied state that she would see Your Fullness. I ask for Your Abundant Peace to reign in their hearts and rain down in their lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,