Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trip to the Mainland

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

I am going to try and sum up the 2 weeks on the mainland - Left late, arrived early, berry-picking with daughter and grandkids, flying toy helicopters, watching and listening to dearest daughter play the piano, searching for ladybugs, dinner at Outback, shopping at Target, hugs, kisses, praying, going for walks, conversations, fishing, fishing, and more fishing, dinner at friend's house, hugs, and more hugs, building high towers with Legos blocks, hugging stuffed animals, blowing bubbles, listening to grandchildren playing, seeing that special smile that comes from the heart, driving to and fro, flying to and fro, and arriving home early evening. There now wasn't that the most enjoyable journey-just as it was also very special and enjoyable for me. The Lord had some big surprizes in store for me. So wonderfully packed into this special time on the mainland was- 1) the kind of hug that only a grandchild can give, they are special indeed, 2) early morning conversations with daddy, 3) an answer to prayer-my grandson, who is almost 5 came up to me and wanted to tell me something in my ear, when I bent down-he whispered, "gamma, I asked Jesus into my heart". Before I could respond there were distractions all around, and the moment was lost. The next day I told him how very special he was now that he is in the family of GOD. Thank you oh Lord that this little heart has yielded to You. I started praying the moment I heard that he was going to be born that he would accept Jesus at an early age. The Lord is so gracious, so Good, so marvelous.

Abba Father, thank you for family and more precious is Your family. Thank you for answered prayer. Lord God we are Your family. Lord I do desire that my earthly family would become my heavenly family. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would be encouraged today in knowing that she has a heavenly family that is praying for her. Oh Lord may her days be filled with Your Hope and Joy and Peace and Love as she prays for her earthly family and as she seeks to know her Heavenly Father more and more deeply. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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