Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm Back

Greetings dear and most precious Sisters-in-Christ,

What a long time to go without being able to visit with all of you. Because of communication problems and changing our internet providers and moving, I have been without internet until today. But guess what I am back. GOD has so richly blessed us with this new house and with wonderful friends to help us move our STUFF from one place to another. I was so thankful as well as DH being so grateful for all the help and support. When we first decided to move I could not really put into words my feelings on why the hesitation in moving - So, in my wondering it was hidden deep but I kept seeking and my feelings were of losing the memories of the place where we had been for 7 years. Our children had visited us, 5 of our grandchildren had visited, my parents and 1 brother and his family had visited, DH's father, brother and sister's had visited. All the memories of family and conversations and experiences. I didn't want to leave them behind. As I walked down the hallway or sat at the dinner table or walked around the yard I could hear the laughter, I could hear the conversations. I remembered the hugs and joyous times. So, I sought the Lord-and HIS reply, "dear daughter, since the beginning I have wanted to give you so much more than what you have asked for. Yes, these blessings are from me, you received them with thankfulness but now you must once again Trust and Know that I am Your LORD who desires to give You more and more."

Heavenly Father, most Glorious and Gracious and Gentle are You, our most Sovereign LORD. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that her yesterday be a memory, that her today be blessed and that her tomorrow be filled with expectancy of Hope and Joy and Peace. Lord as each dear sister-in-Christ lives her day, may Your Words found in Psalm 31:3 and 33:21 be upon her lips and in her heart and on her mind. Lord come abide in the lives and may You give more and more and more. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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