Wednesday, July 16, 2008

An Undesirable Task


What started out to be an undesirable task turned into a learning more about someone. We are moving and all of us know what that entails. I had the chore of going through my DH's grandmothers stuff which we have stored at our house. First we had to realize that she was never leaving the nursing home and second what things should we give away and what to keep. I started going through the boxes of STUFF. The second box was packed full of old envelopes and cards. As I started opening up the cards and old envelops I started to read - they were cards sent to a mother on Mother's Day. They were cards sent from DH's mom. (DH's mom had passed away when he was 16 so I never got the opportunity to meet her.) As I read the cards and heard her conversations in writing, I was beginning to get a little understanding of her compassion and love and joy for life that she had. Which brings me to my lesson learned. If I can see this about a person in just reading some old cards and letters how much more I can and will see when I read the written WORD. My Bible, the written conversations of GOD. HE is compassionate, and loving and in thy presence is fulness of JOY and eternal LIFE.

Heavenly Father, Glorious LORD, Abba, Praise thee and Worship thee in Your Splendor.
Most Sovereign Lord, I come before Your throne of Grace this morning and humbly ask in the Name of Jesus, come, may these dear sisters-in-Christ enter into Thy presence and abide in Your fulness of JOY. There is JOY in thee only. In the midst of the suffering, there is JOY, in the midst of the pain there is JOY, in the midst of the darkness there is LIGHT, and in the midst of the unknowing there is a QUIET KNOWING that You are the I AM and there is none other that satisfies. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week


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