Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Standing, Standing on the Promises of God

Greetings dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

I have been rereading a book, Hitler's Cross, by Erwin W. Lutzer. It is a story which reveals how the Cross of Christ was used as a symbol of the Nazi agenda. In one of the chapters titled, the church is dismembered, two sentences in particular caught my attention and wanted to share. "The majority of the people, including the professing Christians, no longer believed that Chrisitianty was worth suffering for much less dying for. They were willing to substitute Mein Kampf (Hitler's writings) for the bible in exchange for jobs and the greater glory of Germany."

I choose to read this book while I was fasting and praying this past week. It is in the everyday situations that I stumble-not in the future. While reading this book I began to see that the everyday situations which cause me to stumble are the very things that impact my future.

I fasted and prayed to know the Will of God in three different areas in my life that cause me stress and distress. Has God revealed His Will? To quote the chorus from a hymn, "Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing standing, I'm standing on the promises of God."

Abba Father, thank You that my life and the lives of those I hold most dear are in the Grip of Your Grace. How amazing Lord are Your Promises, how marvelous are Your Words, how magnificent is Your Truth and how Glorious is Your Love. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day that she would enter into Your Presence and fall into Your Loving Arms and find Rest for the day. Lord Your Rest which will sustain us in every situation and circumstance. In Jesus name, Amen

Until next week,
Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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