Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A MishMash of Thoughts

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

In order for there to be increase pruning must be done.
Remembering my son, Grant Elliott.
I brought you here to pray.

God must increase and I must decrease. I have heard this saying before but not with listening ears. This time I am praying for listening ears and heart to be able to understand and grow in the knowledge of Christ.

This morning I awoke with a feeling of loss once again. It happens every year around this time - I remember the loss of a child, my child, a miscarriage at 5 months. I named him Grant Elliott. I love him still. I think of him often, wondering what he would look like and how he would be living his life.

I took a walk yesterday morning along Alii Drive, it is a road that runs right next to the ocean. When we first arrived I used to walk and talk to God about my day, my life, and everything else. I stopped doing it. But yesterday being the 1st of July and the 1 month of our 90 days of increase, reading the new testament - I got up, put on my walking shorts and shoes and went for a walk. And as before I began to ask God, "why?" Now before some of you conjure up in your mind, having conversations with a 3 year old when every other word is "why", it was not the case in this conversation. My listening ears were open and God reminded me of WHY? His Words, "Remember my dear precious child I brought you hear to pray for these people."

Abba Father, Glorious and Beautiful and Magnificent, oh how wonderful are Your thoughts and Ways, oh how Good art thou. May I never tire in my desire to live my life as a sinner saved by Grace. My LORD, I humbly come before thee and pray for these dear precious ones - may You bring about a Great Victory in their lives - where darkness has settled, may Your Light penetrate, where sickness has entered, may Your precious love gift of Healing flow, where fear has gripped may Your LOVE release the chains that have bound, and where grief has overwhelmed may Your JOY draw them to the Living Water which satisfies. Jesus Christ my Saviour, my King. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Romans 8:26-28


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