Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Today let us do something that is quite out of the ordinary. Yes I realize for some of you that it is mid morning or mid afternoon but a day is 24 hours long. And I know my God can do the impossible and stretch forth His hand and expand time especially when it comes to showing His awesome Love to those in whom He delights and you are that one.

Dear precious sisters-in-Christ - yes - You are dear, so very dear to Your heavenly Father. Yes! You are indeed Precious to HIM and Yes we are sisters-in-Christ. So for today, our Heavenly Father, Abba desires to visit us in a most extraordinary way. We don't want to miss this visit. It comes ever so differently and unique. With Moses it was visual - a burning bush in the desert, with Samuel it was audible - a voice while trying to sleep, with Saul(Paul) it was physical - being knocked to the ground and struck blind.

I pray that for today God will pour forth His Spirit more fully into your life, that your knowledge of His LOVE would be your greatest desire. That nothing would be able to move you from the knowledge that your Heavenly Father, desires above all else for you to KNOW HIM. Oh, LORD, unto thee we raise holy hands and SHOUT praises the thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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