Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Daddy and My Abba

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that your week has been fulfilling.

I awoke with thoughts of my daddy - from earliest memories I can recall of those special moments when daddy and I would be together. My daddy had and still has a way of just being my daddy. He listens, he teaches, he encourages and he still lets me know that I am his one and only daughter. (well in this case I am, I have 4 brothers). When my oldest son found out that he was going to be a father of a daughter he called and asked me what was he supposed to do with a little girl. My answer was just love her son, lots and lots of love. My daddy did and still gives me lots and lots of love.

My Abba, I know that there is no comparison with my earthly daddy and yet I see how my daddy gives me lots and lots of love and My ABBA, lavishes me with such AMAZING and AWESOME LOVE that the very cells in my being cry out in PRAISE. It takes my breathe away at times when my Abba embraces me and says sweet child just rest in Me, abide in Me and know that my LOVE for you reaches to the highest of heights and the deepest of depths and the widest expanse. That my LOVE for you knows no bounds and no limits.

Abba, Father, I praise thee for Your Wonderous Ways, for Your Glorious and Mighty TRUTH. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ - may her sight be changed in an instant to see Your eternal Beauty, may her hearing be changed in an instant to hear Your eternal Whispers and may her desires be changed in an instant to know that Your Will is filled with such AWESOME LOVE forever and ever and ever. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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