Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Birthday, Holiday, and Spending time with Friends

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I am a little late today because I decided to sleep-in. Yes, me, I slept until 7:00 this morning. Today is a state and county holiday, King Kamehameha Day, and some small businesses claim it as a holiday which my company did. Also it is DH birthday today and he also has the day off from work. I left the day completely open because I was not sure what he was going to do with his day. Some friends invited us to dinner and she is making the birthday cake and dinner. Another friend invited us for morning coffee and last night DH asked if I would like to take a trip down to our local and greatest snorkeling place on this side of the island, Two Step, so Yes, our day has been planned and we will be spending time together with friends and each other.

Spending time with friends and each other - there have been many birthdays in our lives when it was very hard to find the time to spend with friends and each other. Seasons of life, how each 24 hours time period continually brings into our lives something brand new - it may not seem so at the time especially if during that 24 hours there is pain or fear or worry. Yes I have been there in the midst of the valley where the thick stench of darkness seems to overwhelm to the point of hopelessness. Oh dear sister-in-Christ, lift up your head, your arms, your eyes, and shout, "I LOVE YOU LORD AND I KNOW THAT YOU LOVE ME". Our most Sovereign and Glorious LORD, delights in you - dear sweet, precious and oh so lovely you. If you could take this day and spend it with a Friend, Jesus Christ and You and Him would have each other. And what more could you ever want or need than to walk with Him and talk with Him. Come dear sister-in-Christ and spend the day in God's Embrace and Rest in the Blessed Assurance that this day, 24 hours, is time spent which will last for all eternity.

Abba Father, how Magnificent are Your Ways, how Glorious are Your Thoughts towards us, how Holy thou art. Forgive me for my drawing back from thee and for putting limits on Your Grace and Mercy. Oh most Righteous and Pure LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would choose this day whom she will serve. I pray that this day she would choose life and that it would be abundantly and passionately and gloriously filled with Your JOY and PEACE and HOPE and LOVE. Oh a LOVE that spans the limits of time. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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