Wednesday, May 28, 2008

3 day weekend - WASPS and Flies

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

After a three day weekend my days get mixed up - I wonder why that is? Getting back to work after a 3 day weekend is really rough. It seems that just that extra day caused many people to panic - I guess? But for me that extra day to be able to do something out of the ordinary was quite wonderful and worth the price I had to pay in handling customers who were upset. Yes, just an extra 24 hours to have to yourself. And what to do. It was Memorial Day weekend and what better way to remember than to tackle the out of control foliage growth in the front area of our house. As I trimmed, rearranged and removed branches and plants it was just a matter of time until I encountered the WASPS. Yes, while trimming the palm trees of the flowering seed pods a multitude of WASPS were found. As I began to cut them down I began to PRAY, Lord protect me from their venimous sting. Lord I know that they need to survive too but please Lord protect me - I began to thank Him for His protection. (Because just a few weeks before I have been bitten by numerous baby spiders and had to take antibiotics for the infection.) All of a sudden I felt something on my legs and arm - I dreaded looking to see what they were - As I looked I saw flies - yes - there were flies not WASPS. None came near. An across the street neighbor came over and commented on where did all the flies come from. I told him God. I had prayed that the Lord would protect me and that the wasps would not sting me and the flies showed up. Is there a lesson here?

Heavenly Father, Gracious and Mighty, Glorious and Omnipotent, how Great thou art. How bountifully You supply us with Your Presence and Power. Most Holy LORD, thank You that in the asking You send Bread instead of a Stone, thank You that in the seeking we see Your Glory instead of darkness, thank you that in the knocking we hear Your Voice instead of silence. Thank you that we no longer need to fear the cold and lifeless stones of life for we are called by You "living stones(gems)", that we no longer live in total darkness for we called by You to walk in the Light and thank you that we no longer have the emptiness that silence brings but the continual communication of Your Love and Promises causing us to be able to HOPE and LOVE and be filled with JOY at all times. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week


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