Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A Token of Peace

Greetings to my dearest and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The Lord blessed me so much this past weekend with a call from a dear sister-in-Christ who is in Thailand. It was only a little over half an hour call but the richness I felt afterwards to be able to pray and tell of God's Goodness and Faithfulness was so very precious to me. God is so wonderful and marvelous.

On a separate matter - I did something I was ashamed of - A few weeks back I went to the place of business where I get flowers, was met by a person who I did not know and told her what I needed and left her to pick up the flowers (my routine). As I brought the flowers up to the sales woman and told her to fax the order to my place of business - she asked for my account number. I very rudely explained to her that I had been doing this for quite some time and what was the problem(her). She offered her hand to me explaining she was the new owner. (Okay so this is what I was ashamed of) I preceded with my rudeness, turned away and left. Yikes. I did not want to go back to the store - Well, I explained the issue to my boss about the flowers so He went down to the flower shop and set up an account and told me to start going and picking up flowers again - which brings me to last Sunday. As I entered the store, I was greeted by this same woman - I told her what I needed and went to get the flowers. At the counter, I told her it was for my company - she stated she knew that - [She is still looking at me] - I knew then that I needed to apologize for my (horrid) behavior from a fews weeks back. At first she said "I don't really recall - but then she said, "let's just forget about the whole incident." And she handed me three beautiful gardenias, stating, "I would like for you to have these"

A Token of Peace, oh Lord how Gracious and Marvelous and Wonderful You Are. An apology given, an apology accepted and then something even sweeter "a token of peace."

Heavenly Father,

Hallelujah to the LORD, who reigns on High, who brings Peace. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that in her life when an apology is given that it is accepted and then something even sweeter happens. Oh Lord, I pray that this day will be the day that You will cause an abundance of Peace, Your Peace to come into the hearts and minds and souls of these precious sisters-in-Christ. May they be blessed and be a blessing to those whom You place on their hearts. Lord I pray that "a token of Peace" will be given and that Your Glory will be evident. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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