Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It seems that today I have writer's block - Does God ever get writer's block? Does He write down things? Did He stop once the Bible was written? I am one who keeps a journal - I have many journals for different occasions. I have favorites - and not used very often - Leather - Suede - Cardboard - Paper - Decorated with Love (from my daughter) - Store bought decorated - Colored - Plain - Some have been filled up and some still have pages remaining to be filled. I visit the filled up various journals from time to time, especially if I am looking for a specific date when something occurred.

Yesterday while writing in my morning devotion I was looking at the cover of my book and the picture on the cover inspired me to write a little poem of sorts. The picture is of a wooden swing between two sturdy tree trunks located by a river with the sun glistening on the water. Leaves on the trees and tall grass underneath the swing and on the banks of the river. Here is my poem:

Lord oh Lord
Thank you that You invite me to Rest by the Water
In the swing I plop Down
Between the trees I ponder Thee
While the leaves are singing Praises
While the Water tells of Your Love
Bathed in the beauty of sunbeams of Gold
Basking in the sounds of nature's Symphony
Lord, Abba, the time here is eternally stored
in the Treasure House of Heaven Above
Remaining I will until daylight does Fade
And into my World I must once again Go
Praise thee, Abba, for this day You have Made
My breath, my thought, my soul, my Life
Surrendered to You fully awaiting Your Call
Directing me to abide in thy Will
under the protection of thy Love

Dear Heavenly Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thy Name, thank You most AWESOME and SOVEREIGN LORD that You give Your Word. That You fill the pages of my Life with Your amazing Grace and that is the reason why I testify to Your Goodness and Mercy and Faithfulness. May the words be uplifting and filled with grace that Your Name be magnified and glorified. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that her life be filled with Your Words, Yes Your sweet whispers that are spoken to her and her alone drawing her into a deeper and richer and more intimate relationship where the sounds of the world have disappeared and only Your voice can be heard in the stillness of the moment. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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