Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Greetings my dear sisters-in-Christ,

One unique situation that living on an Island, or should I say living on an Island which some people refer to as "Paradise," is always having to say goodbye to friends. Since many of our friends are part-time residents (visitors) it is hard to keep the coming and going months apart. The amazing and most awesome reality is that God knows our hearts and friendships established in His Name are the treasures which we store up in heaven. While growing up I lived in such a small town, as I'm sure was the case for most of you, and became secure in knowing that so and so would always be around.

I'm realizing that taking things for granted should never be the case in relationships.

God brings friends into our lives. Friends, fellowshippers - that come along side and say a prayer or a word or give a hug. Shed a tear or share a laugh, Yes only GOD could unite us all in such a way that our struggles and our victories are shared and then in one accord lift up our Praises unto the King of kings and Lord of lords and say Hallelujah and Amen.

Heavenly Father, our Great and Mighty GOD.
Thank you for each and every dear sister-in-Christ and brother-in-Christ who you have brought into my life. Who have wept with me over situations that have caused me much distress and who have celebrated with me when the victories have been totally awesome. Thank you Lord and may I never take for granted that which which you have blessed me with. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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