Wednesday, May 14, 2008

102 years old vs GOD's LOVE

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I have shared with some of you that when we (DH and me) decided to move to Hawaii that his grandmother would come live with us and we would take care of her. She was 96 at the time. After only a few months of living together I started praying for her salvation. She was a dear sweet woman and very religious. She lived with us for 2 1/2 years and then moved to assisted living and then after a couple falls moved into a full facility (nursing home). I visit her on Wednesday afternoon and briefly on Friday night. After a couple deaths in the nursing home our conversations would always lead to her questioning her "going to heaven when she died". It was then that I started greeting her with a hug and saying to her, "I love you and Jesus loves you more." Her reactions at first was rather cold. I'm still praying for her salvation and the Lord is still wooing her big time. Okay, here comes the most exciting part, I love the working of the LORD. HE is so marvelous and glorious and magnificent. I came on a Wednesday and she had just had a conversation with a young gal who had left her religion, which was my grandmother's, to attend another church and how Jesus had changed her. My grandmother brought up the subject and God gave me the words and she bowed her head and asked Jesus into her heart and testified that she was no longer afraid of dying or being in heaven. So I ask you is anything to difficult for our GOD. No. NO. NO. Nothing. Our God is Sovereign and in Control and Knows all Things.

Abba Father, may we never tire of testifying of your Great and Glorious Love, may we never tire of lifting up words of praise unto thy NAME. LORD I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she remember Your Faithfulness and Love that nothing is to difficult or to old or to religious or to hardened to keep You from Entering into a Heart. Oh Lord each dear sister-in-Christ has a loved one who they have been praying for for a long time, LORD of the HARVEST come. May each dear sister-in-Christ be able to testify of Your Love and may their loved one be forever changed to reflect the image of Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ,


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