Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Where Are They


Some time ago the media ran ads - "It is 10:00 and do you know where your children are?" And many times when we are in a difficult situation we ask God, "Where are you?" If you have had a friend or family member leave unexpectedly you ask God, "I wonder where they are?" I had been asking God for several weeks and praying for a dear wonderful sister-in-Christ who had left quite unexpectedly -- I'm at work, the phone rings and on the other end of the line is a man who is inquiring about his mother's property, he gives the name of the property and I ask her name. YES, it was her son, he caught me up with all the good news and how she was doing and thanked me for sharing such wonderful things about his mom because he did not know this part of her life that much, (she lived in Hawaii about 6 months each year). Isn't God marvelous and AWESOME. And then just yesterday I received a phone call from a man, actually he called the wrong company, anyway, the Lord had placed this sister-in-Christ on my heart and I was wondering how to get in touch with her, the man gave me her number on the mainland.

Yes, dear sisters-in-Christ God knows where they are and He knows where you are.

Abba Father, our Glorious and Mighty God, our sovereign Lord who Reigns for all Eternity, with thankfulness in my heart for Your unfailing LOVE I come before Your Throne of Grace and ask for all those who are wondering where they (friends and family) are and where You are may You Reveal. And in the revealing may You restore the relationship if it was broken, may You erase the words spoken (for God only You can do that). And in the revealing may You bring to rememberance the Promises that You will never forsake Your children and that nothing, absolutely nothing will separate us from Your LOVE. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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