Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Visit to the Mainland and August Rush

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It seems that I have been gone from my Island for more than just the 6 days and 5 nights. While visiting my second son and his family, grandson whose 9 and granddaughter who is 7 we packed a lot in those 4 days for 2 days were travel days. Played basketball games of Horse with grandson and son, LOST. Didn't even attempt to play video games with him. Played UNO with granddaughter multiple times 10+ and LOST all but 1. And even when her and I decided that cheating was not an option she still beat me by a lot. Played with Barbie Dolls, dressed all of them (7) and styled their hair. Shopping in the malls with my daughter-in-law and just spending time talking about women stuff (precious). Watching the NBA Playoffs with my son and talking about being a dad and husband and a man (more precious), and praying for and with my children and grandchildren (eternally precious). Oh how I was all filled up with God's wonderful blessings. On the flight back the in-flight movie was August Rush - the previews looked good so I bought the headset and decided to watch. For me it was an excellent movie - my take on it -- the boy who had to play music and heard it in his head and could hear it in everything. When asked how much do you like music he said more than food. That is how I want to know my LORD and my Saviour and my Redeemer -I want to see HIM in everything and hear HIM in everything and find ways to express this passion. Also this was a gift given to this boy. God has given me a gift - it is my special gift HE alone has given me and this gift is how I express my worship and adoration for HIM. I want to know this GIFT.

Heavenly Father, our most Sovereign Lord, who created me (us) in Your Image. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would desire above all to KNOW the greatest gift ever given. Your Son Jesus Christ and HIS Redeeming Grace. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Until next week,


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