Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wednesday Morning Greetings

I greet you with the same greeting Paul wrote in Romans Chapter 1:7 - to all that be in Rome(wherever you are), beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ,

To set the scene - it was last Sunday - in church - the sermon was to begin. My pastor was recapping the previous lessons he had spoken to us about. I had looked to my left to acknowledge a fellow parishioner and saw him (a young man, early 20's), he was reclining in his chair which is hard to do because we have straight back chairs, legs and arms crossed, looking like he had settled in and was going to take a little catnap. My first question was why was he here at the early service (7:30 am) when he could be in bed, no folks next to him. Okay so back to the sermon part - Pastor started to tell us what he would be teaching or trying to teach us over the next 6 weeks (WISDOM) what it is and how to get it. I'm taking notes and listening and once again something catches my eye and I'm looking at the young man again. I saw an entirely different scene. Here he was - leaning forward, intently looking at the pastor and listening to every word. When the service was over I went to the front of the church as part of the prayer team and looked to see if he had left. He sat there for a few more moments - I looked at him and smiled. I got to thinking about the two scenes and realized that some days I start my day with an attitude of "settling in - nothing's going on - think I will catch a catnap while I can." But I'm thinking that GOD wants it to be a sitting on the edge of my chair and leaning into what He is wanting to say to my heart. GOD IS FAITHFUL - GOD'S PROMISES ARE TRUE - GOD'S LOVE IS NEVER CEASING - GOD IS GOOD.

Heavenly Father,
How great thou art. Praise to thy Holy Name, the Great I AM. Lord I pray as Paul prayed so long ago, "first, I thank God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world." LORD may Your abundant Grace flow richly in each heart and mind and soul of these precious saints. May an understanding of Who You Are be revealed in their hearts and minds which will bring them into a deeper knowing of the GOD who spoke and it was and a deeper knowing of Jesus who spoke and it was finished. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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