Wednesday, February 13, 2008

From Changing Diapers to Iced Chai Tea at Starbuck's

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It happened much to fast. Time passed by so quickly. I did not even have time to enjoy some of the moments before another came along for me to have to pray about. My favorite unstressing thing to do now is a trip to Starbuck's to enjoy a Grande Iced Chai Tea.

I have come this far - from being a young mom where my greatest challenge was trying to keep up with changing diapers and soothing teething gums and filling empty tummies to now driving to a Starbuck's to grab an iced Chai Tea.

The Lord is about to send me on another journey and for right now, during the waiting period, I find myself trying to find ways to comfort myself.

Yes, another season in my life where God has planned and purposed me to be - LORD may I take the time in this season to seek Your infinite WISDOM. In the midst of the everyday mini crisis's I become overwhelmed and distracted and fail. I am in need of an attitude adjustment, keeping my mouth shut and feeding my heart with the Bread of Life.

Abba Father, Gracious and Glorious and Sovereign, Praise thee and Worship thee. With a humble heart I bring before Your Most Excellent and Magnificent Throne of Grace my dear sisters-in-Christ. Oh most Sovereign LORD may Your Abiding and Everlasting and Unfailing LOVE embrace their hearts and minds and souls building them up in the FAITH that they may be able to persevere and boldly say, "Yes, Lord, I accept it; I submit, I yield, I pledge myself to walk in that path, and to follow that Voice, and to trust Thee with the consequences". In Jesus Name.

From now on you will see my new signature -

As you recall a couple of weeks ago I had shared about my love of the colours purple and aqua. A dear friend sent me this.


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