Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Comfort Colos


I'm so glad that God made so many colors - my favorite is all shades of PURPLE or I thought that it was until yesterday. I discovered I have another favorite. Along with it being a favorite I also identified why both purple and this new color were my favorites. They are my comfort colors. Yep, I need them on my body in order to get myself through the day when I know I am going to be faced with something uncomfortable or unsettling. My first defense is to put close to my body - something which I can surround myself and know that it is going to be okay. Now how is that for discovering something about myself. Here all this time I thought I just liked the color purple. Oh the new color is aqua (turquoise), not teal but lighter shade and brighter. When I wear this certain outfit I am complimented by everyone who I meet - they remark about how beautiful I am, or how the color I am wearing compliments me. But still for the hard core days when I am facing something really big or am tired and still have to function- purple is it.

Do you think a person can pray in purple or aqua??

My God is so marvelous that He created the color purple and aqua (a variation of shades) just for me. (I just know that He did!)

What a discovery!! How the mind works. Now that I have this knowledge I must choose to turn to God when I feel the need to array myself in purple or aqua.

And I can only imagine for right now just how much more brilliant will be the colors purple and aqua in Heaven.

Just knowing that I have a GOD who created all things - spoke them into existence - brings me comfort.

Heavenly Father, thank you for colors, for reds and greens, blues and oranges, pinks and yellows, browns and grays. Oh LORD most Sovereign Praise thee for Your Beauty so richly displayed by the brilliant colors in all things. With you LORD all things are possible our God of comfort. Lord just as you saw the affliction of Your people in Egypt and gave heed to their cry and was aware of their sufferings it is true with us today - You are a God who never changes - the same yesterday, today and tomorrow - come and deliver us from our affliction. Abba Father, I pray that each dear sister-in-Christ would find her comfort in You. Lord God may Your Holy Spirit surround them. May the embers of passion for Your Word, for Your Truth, for Your Presence be ignited with a burning bush fire that they will draw near and hear you say, "for the place on which you are standing is holy ground". May she meet you here and You will declare that You are GOD, the great I AM. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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