Wednesday, March 05, 2008

7 Day Cruise Down the Missouri River


As I was beginning my day at the kitchen sink looking out the window, I saw the lights of the big cruise ship coming into the bay to stay for the day. It reminded me of the summer we took a 7 day cruise down the Missouri River. Our oldest son was home from the military and we still had our daughter at home so we decided to spend sometime together and take a float trip down the Missouri River. We got the canoes, the supplies, the water, and the food for our 7 day trip. We drove to our destination point and put in at the shore. Off we go paddling down the river - A muskrat surfaced and bid us on our way. Our trusty guide, my hubby, set us on a course and down the river we started. Each day - each night - each stretch of the river brought its challenges - from heat to cold to blinding rain and wind, we encountered spider island (aptly named-won't go into details) and gnats that chewed your lips until they were swollen shut, and trying to find a place to go to the bathroom. These were the challenges. The rewards far greater - setting up camp, watching how each child handled a situation (priceless). Sitting around the campfire at night, conversations about stuff. Yep the rewards outweighed the challenges BIG TIME.

A Challenge: Read Psalm 103 for the next 7 days
The Reward: {from the Lord}

Abba Father,
Thank You that it is Your Tender Mercies given anew everyday that outweigh the challenges of life BIG TIME. How great thou art. LORD merciful and mighty, glorious and magnificent. Praise and Glory and Honor to thy Name. Lord I pray that You would open the eyes of each dear sister-in-Christ heart to see the wonder of Your Beauty, the wonder of Your Grace, and the wonder of Your Love. Abba, may their challenges bring them into a closer walk with thee and may they begin asking and seeking and knocking to KNOW You, the Great I AM. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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