Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Greetings


The thin line - when does it become reality. Once again I am faced with the tradition: How Easter scenes are spoken about and played out. The church presents the story of the Crucified Christ to the world. The world knows that it should celebrate something so why not spring. I wanted to pick out some cards for my children and their families for Easter. What an array of selections: little bunnies, chicks, and flowers galore. I found myself overwhelmed and started looking at the card slot titles - I picked up one that said religious, Nope that one won't work. I then starting looking for the ones that had the small cross. Yep, I found just what I was looking for. I'm guessing that there is a BIG difference between religious and the small cross categories on the card selection. Which leads me into my prayer for this Easter -

Abba Father, our Creator, our God who changes not, who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Oh most Sovereign Lord in the midst of the tradition may we not forget that it is Jesus, Your Son, who died on the Cross, who took on Humanity and Suffered so that I (we) may live in the blessed assurance that we have NO FEAR in death. Our life is secure in thee. Lord God I pray that each dear sister-in-Christ would bow before You and remember that she is not alone - she is ALIVE in You. Each breath that she takes in may it bring life abundantly and with each breath she breathes out may she release (surrender) each burden, each care, each desire, and each need to thee. May they Come and See this JESUS. In HIS precious Name. Amen

Until next week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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