Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Marriage Album - 38 years

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

March 1, 1970 I was walking hand in hand down the streets of Tijuana Mexico with the love of my life wondering if this decision he had made was a good idea. I still remember walking up and down the one main street looking at the different places that had hand painted signs which read, "Get married or divorced, come in here, OPEN." We walked into one of the places unmarried and a few minutes later we walked out of the same place married. Just a few words said by both parties - The man who married us spoke no english except to say "You may kiss the Bride, Kiss the Bride". For witnesses my aunt and a good friend of my boyfriend had driven down with us. The good friend was our Spanish interpreter. Amazing isn't it. I walked into the place unmarried and came out married just because of a few words and having it sealed with a kiss. Thirty-eight years later, still married. My guess is that the few words and having them sealed with a kiss was what was required. Is it really that simple? Hindsight shows me, "YES!" I'm loving it.

My walk with the Lord - a few words - sincerely repeated. The "sinner's prayer" December of 1968, my relationship with the Lord, my commitment to obey and honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Walked into the place a sinner, walked out of the place a sinner saved by Grace. Our God is so Wonderful and Gracious and Amazing.

Abba Father, our God who seals us with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption which draws near. Thank you Lord that in the midst of our everyday lives You draw us closer and closer into a relationship with You. I pray for a revelation of Your drawing near be planted in our hearts and minds and souls that each dear sister-in-Christ would rise up early in the morning and begin a day with JOY that overwhelms, PEACE which stills, HOPE which stirs, FAITH which soars, and LOVE which covers a multitude of sins. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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