Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Walking In FAITH


I hope that the challenge from last week was meat to the soul.

My week brought many challenges and some choices with it.

I remember a particularly hard challenge that came into my life February 11, 1970. The choice I made changed my life forever. It was that challenge and the choice made which forever brought me into a "walking in FAITH" relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I knew deep down in my soul, I knew in my heart, I knew in my body that the choice I was making at the time would change me forever - my believing in a GOD who Loves Me Beyond Anything and my believing in a GOD who is BIGGER than anything, everything, anyone and everyone. When I accepted Jesus in December of 1967 I knew about HIM and trusted HIM but it was not until February 11th that I decided that I would embrace HIM completely and LOVE HIM forever and ever.

Heavenly Father, thank You that you are Sovereign, Praise thee our Great and Mighty God.
I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ for a "Walking in FAITH" challenge - one that brings them into a relationship with You that takes them to the highest peaks and into the lowest valleys and they can say with their lips and hear with their ears and see with their eyes that You are GOD the I AM who captures us with Your Love and embraces us with Your Tender Mercies and Clothes us in Righteousness. In Jesus Name. Amen

Until Next Week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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