Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I'm A Girl


Growing up in a family with four younger brothers has its challenges. The first being that I was told repeatedly and frequently that I could not do a certain thing because I was a girl. If my brothers wanted to get me to do something they didn't have to say "I dare you" or "I double dare you" - all they had to say was "you are a BIG sissy". Ooh! I would get so upset at that I usually did something really stupid that got me either in trouble and/or hurt. You would think that I would learn after at least four failed attempts. Did I grow up and change my ways of thinking? Let me think about that? In some ways I have but there are most definitely times when I do believe that I revert back to my childhood and desire to recapture that "no fear" attitude about doing it just because I can. Whether I am a girl or not.

I do enjoy a challenge - and for today my challenge is being a girl. Giggling, dancing, singing in a group of other girls - whispering secrets, holding hands and sharing. I invite you my sisters-in-Christ to come join me - Let's embrace and begin.

Abba Father, Glory to the most Sovereign Lord who has called us His children. Praise to thee our Father in Heaven who gives us life and an abundant life filled with the most awesome and magnificent and righteous PROMISES. How I do Love thee. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day this very moment as she reads these words that You would take her hand and beckon her to come - come to the place You have prepared for her. That she may bathe in Your Anointing Love and be washed pure, that she may feast on Your Word and know the Truth, that she may drink of the Living Water and be filled with Your Righteousness. Oh come dear friend and sister-in-Christ - He is calling You into the Circle of Life. In His Glorious Name. Amen.

God's Riches

Your dearest friend and sister-in-Christ.


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